The Un-Diplomatic Podcast

The Revolution Will Be Technocratic, China Decoupling and the Capitalist Peace, Defense Budget Disaster, Advice for Presidential Campaigns

Episode Summary

National security Republicans' "theory of security" might just kill us all in the name of deterrence. House Democrats pass a defense budget that George W. Bush would be proud of. China is decoupling from the US whether we like it or not. Arms control is unravelling because the Trump administration is all neocons, ethno-nationalists, and multi-millionaires. Also this episode: What the heck do foreign policy advisers do on presidential campaigns?

Episode Notes

National security Republicans' "theory of security" might just kill us all in the name of deterrence.  House Democrats pass a defense budget that George W. Bush would be proud of.  China is decoupling from the US whether we like it or not.  Arms control is unravelling because the Trump administration is all neocons, ethno-nationalists, and multi-millionaires.  Also this episode: What the heck do foreign policy advisers do on presidential campaigns?  

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