The Un-Diplomatic Podcast

Bad China Punditry in 3 Easy Steps: A How-To Guide | Raw Uncut Ep. 16

Episode Summary

In this Raw Uncut episode, Van Jackson breaks down what it takes to render a bad take on China. Using a recent hot take from Prof. Stephen Walt as the example, Van identifies at least three ways of not only getting China wrong, but getting it wrong badly. One: Mischaracterize Chinese behavior Two: Promote China's preferred narrative for its misdeeds Three: Draw false equivalencies with the United States (Or, use China observations to throw shade at the US)

Episode Notes

In this Raw Uncut episode, Van Jackson breaks down what it takes to render a bad take on China. Using a recent hot take from Prof. Stephen Walt as the example, Van identifies at least three ways of not only getting China wrong, but getting it wrong badly.

One: Mischaracterize Chinese behavior

Two: Promote China's preferred narrative for its misdeeds

Three: Draw false equivalencies with the United States (Or, use China observations to throw shade at the US)

Walt's take on China:

Music: "Van is Meta" by Tre' Hester